Working from home online as a stock photographer is a really good way of making yourself a nice residual income online. If you enjoy taking pictures and if you own a digital camera, chances are that you already got what it takes to become a stock photographer. In this article you will learn what you need to get started and how you can start make money as a stock photographer.
A stock photographer basically shoots photographs and uploads them to royalty free stock photography websites such as As a stock photographer you are not selling the copyright to your photos, you are just selling the right for others to use your photos. Unless you have signed some kind of special agreement, you can sell the right to use your photos at as many places you want.
To get started as a stock photographer you will need a camera that can output at least 1600x1200 pixels or 2.1 megapixels. Make sure your photos are sharp and that the subjects you are photographing is in focus. Also pay attention to the contrast in your photos, so that nothing is too bright or too dark. There should still be enough contrast though so that the picture doesn't appear too flat and boring. To make your photos interesting and unique, try to think of it as if you are telling a story with your photos. Keep practicing shooting lots of different subjects and in different lighting situations to increase your skills and gradually become a better stock photographer.
Once you have shot some good photos, sign up for a royalty free stock photo site such as, and Typically you will have to upload some of your photos for review, so that they can check the quality before you are allowed to upload the photos to the public library. Spend a little time at the site to get an idea of what kind of photos that are popular and make a list of the subject matters that are in demand.
As soon as you get approved as a stock photographer at the site, you can start uploading your photos. Spend some time writing good descriptions and give each photo several good and relevant keywords so that they are easily found when people are searching for photos. You will get paid each time somebody purchase the right to use one of your photos. Read the guidelines at each of the stock photo sites you sign up for to see how much you will get paid. This may vary from site to site.
When you get started as a stock photographer, set a goal of the amount of pictures you are going to upload each week. If you keep submitting new photos every week, you will soon see a steady consistent income from your photos. Click here [] to get the FREE eBook 'Earn $300 a Week with Your Digital Camera' and to get a list of the best stock photography sites and to learn more about how you can become a better stock photographer.
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A stock photographer basically shoots photographs and uploads them to royalty free stock photography websites such as As a stock photographer you are not selling the copyright to your photos, you are just selling the right for others to use your photos. Unless you have signed some kind of special agreement, you can sell the right to use your photos at as many places you want.
To get started as a stock photographer you will need a camera that can output at least 1600x1200 pixels or 2.1 megapixels. Make sure your photos are sharp and that the subjects you are photographing is in focus. Also pay attention to the contrast in your photos, so that nothing is too bright or too dark. There should still be enough contrast though so that the picture doesn't appear too flat and boring. To make your photos interesting and unique, try to think of it as if you are telling a story with your photos. Keep practicing shooting lots of different subjects and in different lighting situations to increase your skills and gradually become a better stock photographer.
Once you have shot some good photos, sign up for a royalty free stock photo site such as, and Typically you will have to upload some of your photos for review, so that they can check the quality before you are allowed to upload the photos to the public library. Spend a little time at the site to get an idea of what kind of photos that are popular and make a list of the subject matters that are in demand.
As soon as you get approved as a stock photographer at the site, you can start uploading your photos. Spend some time writing good descriptions and give each photo several good and relevant keywords so that they are easily found when people are searching for photos. You will get paid each time somebody purchase the right to use one of your photos. Read the guidelines at each of the stock photo sites you sign up for to see how much you will get paid. This may vary from site to site.
When you get started as a stock photographer, set a goal of the amount of pictures you are going to upload each week. If you keep submitting new photos every week, you will soon see a steady consistent income from your photos. Click here [] to get the FREE eBook 'Earn $300 a Week with Your Digital Camera' and to get a list of the best stock photography sites and to learn more about how you can become a better stock photographer.
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