Imagine earning an actual college degree from home. That is now possible due to the web technology that has made online education acceptable even to prestigious American universities, which have been coming out with online degree programs in recent years. To mention just one example, New York University (NYU) debuted its online degree program in 2005. NYU online degrees offered include associate's degrees in the liberal arts and applied sciences, and bachelor's degrees in science and social sciences, including business, economics, politics, psychology, and management programs. And you can take part in the program from virtually anywhere without having to move to be close to the university.
This is a great advantage for people whose circumstances require them to continue their studies through distance education, much the same way that many professionals these days tele-commute to the office using a personal computer and a fast Internet connection. Similarly, an online degree program allows a student to take college lessons in front of a computer as readily as attending a class in a university.
People may take online degrees for various reasons. Some of them may need to spend more time at home with their family. Others must follow a demanding work schedule that requires them to find a flexible and time-efficient means of earning their college degrees. Online programs allow them to do so by offering enough flexibility in scheduling their lessons in coordination with their work and lifestyle. Full-time employees thus no longer need to postpone getting their college degrees until such time as their schedule becomes free.
Besides flexibility, online college degrees also often allow continuing students to save on their educational expenses. Besides spending somewhat less on the tuition of online degrees as compared to regular university fees, they will further save on travel costs, since they do not even have to leave their homes to attend classes.
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This is a great advantage for people whose circumstances require them to continue their studies through distance education, much the same way that many professionals these days tele-commute to the office using a personal computer and a fast Internet connection. Similarly, an online degree program allows a student to take college lessons in front of a computer as readily as attending a class in a university.
People may take online degrees for various reasons. Some of them may need to spend more time at home with their family. Others must follow a demanding work schedule that requires them to find a flexible and time-efficient means of earning their college degrees. Online programs allow them to do so by offering enough flexibility in scheduling their lessons in coordination with their work and lifestyle. Full-time employees thus no longer need to postpone getting their college degrees until such time as their schedule becomes free.
Besides flexibility, online college degrees also often allow continuing students to save on their educational expenses. Besides spending somewhat less on the tuition of online degrees as compared to regular university fees, they will further save on travel costs, since they do not even have to leave their homes to attend classes.
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